Angie Littlefield

Angie Littlefield
[email protected]

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Robbie “Kurt” Lavack is still going strong on his WWII memoirs continued

2025 WIVES OF THE g7

Anna Skrainka:
Start with Me

Anna Skrainka: Start with Me book cover

The book about Anna Skrainka and her family is based on her 36 page memoir. Chapters take readers through her life in Vienna and Hamburg before Terezin.

Whistler Independent Shortlist

Walking With Oma

Walking with Oma and Alison Pick
The mentorship project with novelist-poet Alison Pick ( through the Humber College of Creative Writing ( ) accompanied me to Africa and Tristan da Cunha. I enjoyed having the electronic company of a young author who’s written about the Holocaust and more. I started the important move towards the creative part of ‘creative non-fiction’. The original manuscript, written in art history mode, shortened and picked up much-needed dialogue. Hell, the characters all started to speak at once and I’m still sorting them out!
I’m currently in editing mode, hoping to have a version to float by literary agents later this year. Here’s the first chapter with SOME of Alison’s comments still there. Since I acted on her suggestions, you’ll find things missing. Read on to see how it works because you too might want to take Humber’s web-course, the Creative Writing Mentorship Program.
Word | pdf

Walking with Oma -
The Skrainka family story during three centuries on three continents is told by a granddaughter who follows her Oma into history and into hell itself.

Check out the Photo
, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Peter Adler

Aktuelles (German Media

Frog Songs (large file)

now available on books page



Home | Angelika Hoerle | Tom Thomson | Angie's Projects | Norval Morrisseau | Books | Links | Elisapee | Skrainka
W.P.H (Willy) Fick | Robert "Kurt" Lavack | South Africa | Tristan da Cunha
TOM THOMSON'S Fine Kettle of Friends Advance Praise | Book Talks | Indie Author Day | OLA Super Conference

Upcoming Book Talk

Angie Littlefield | Heliconian ClubWives of the Group of Seven on August 20th at Heliconian Hall. Keep reading to learn more!
Angie Littlefield is an author (Tom Thomson's Fine Kettle of Friends, finalist for the Whistler Independent Book Awards of 2021, Walking with Oma: A Memoir, Now or Never, 2025, and Painted Out of the Picture: The Wives of the Group of Seven, Cormorant Books, 2026); editor (Ruth Abernethy's In Form: Life &Legacies in Bronze, Firefly, 2024); curator (angelika hoerle: comet of cologne dada, AGO 2009 and Museum Ludwig, Cologne Germany) and educator for 33 years, the last ten as a high school vice-principal and principal. She has been a member of the Heliconian Club (Literature and Drama) since 2015.

"Painted Out of the Picture: The Wives of the Group of Seven", presented by Angie Littlefield, August 20, 2024, 2:00PM to 4:00PM.

While the husbands received acclaim for their contributions to Canadian art, the wives of the Group of Seven were largely overlooked. This fascinating audio-visual presentation sheds light on the significant roles these women played in shaping their husbands' careers while also emphasizing their agency in carving out meaning in their own lives.

Tickets are $15, available online or at the door:


A Line of DustA staged reading of a new play at the Heliconian Club

Angie Littlefield is the producer of "A Line of Dust", a play written by Victoria McIntyre.

It is a story of a choice her mother faced at the end of WWII. A cast and crew of theatre aficionados brought it to life with a staged reading at Toronto's Heliconian Club. Watch for it to be picked up by other groups.

About this event
SYNOPSIS: If you could save someone's life, should you? A Nazi officer saves Suse Schilling's life by placing her in a cell with sex workers, who are soon to be set free, instead of with the Jewish prisoners. After the war, she receives a letter asking if she will testify on his behalf in court. Suse is then faced with a difficult decision: whether or not to save a Nazi's life.
This play is based on a true story.
LOCATION: Heliconian Club, 35 Hazelton Avenue, Toronto
DATE AND TIME: Sunday, August 28th, at 2 p.m.
TICKET INFO: Tickets are FREE with a Pay-What-You-Can option. All donations are going to the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto's initiatives, The Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre and UJA Women's Philanthropy.
The UJA's Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre is known for generating "knowledge and understanding about the Holocaust and serves as a forum for dialogue about civil society for present and future generations."
UJA Women's Philanthropy focuses on fighting poverty, antisemitism, and strengthening the Jewish community through the charitable work of women.
All tickets are general admission.

Whyte MuseumAngie Littlefield, presents

Tom Thomson in the Rockies and Europe, in Banff
on September 23, 2021

Art Gallery of Hamilton

Angie Littlefield on Authenticating Thomson ~ Thursday, November 18 from 7-8 pm Register HERE
Tom Thomson? The Art of Authentication ~ September 25, 2021 - January 2, 2022
Tom Thomson? The Art of Authentication explores the myriad questions related to authenticating works of art. Without offering a conclusive yes or no, the exhibition is envisioned as a laboratory through which all of the various avenues of inquiry related to authentication are investigated and presented. Using two possible Tom Thomson panels as the nucleus, the project brings together approximately forty known sketch panels and canvases by Thomson in order to present a visual overview of the artist’s practice. to see more go HERE

Authenticating Thomson Access Code M0sh5B?A scroll to the 15 min. mark

Click here to order your copy of
Tom Thomson’s Fine Kettle of Friends

May take a few moments to load page, faster to just click Books in the links above.
CLICK TO HEAR Hunter's Bay 88.7 FM radio interview with Christine Cowley

Ottawa Review of Books
by Timothy Niedermann

Canadian School Libraries Journal ~ review






  • Feb. 28, 2024 ~ Victoria Women’s Association, Toronto
    Dec. 13, 2023 ~ Port Perry Senior’s Club at the Latcham Centre
  • November 18, 2021 ~ Art Gallery of Hamilton Tom Thomson? The Art of Authentication
  • September 23, 2021 ~ Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies
  • July 1 ~ Outer City Arts for the Cannington Lions' Canada Day event at McLeod Park. Authors' table in the afternoon will include: Lucy Black, Peter Fritze and Angie Littlefield | McLeod Park, 72 Peace St, Cannington, ON L0E 1E0
  • July 25 ~ Life of Tom Thomson | South Grey Museum | 40 Sydenham St., Flesherton, ON N0C1E0
  • September 9, all day Sunday, Eden Mills Writers' Festival, table with crime writer Peter Fritze and novelist Lucy E. Black (90 km west of Toronto, near Guelph)
  • September 15 ~ Mount Zion Community Hall. The Port Perry Grandmother to Grandmother Group holds a Literary Fundraiser for African grandmothers who care for their grandchildren who have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS. This year their feature authors are the Waddingtons (In the Footsteps of the Group of Seven). Tickets $25 |
    11 am to 2 pm | Mount Zion Community Centre | 420 Salem Rd, Pickering | 905.471.4651
  • September 16 ~ Volunteer and Membership Appreciation Event will be held from 2pm-4pm at The Robert McLaughlin Gallery with a panel including Tim Bouma, Geoff Taylor, Greg Klages and Angie Littlefield
  • York Pioneers ~ TBA
  • September 30 | Books Galore175 Perry St, Port Perry, ON L9L 1B8 with Lucy E. Black at 1 pm. 
  • October 13, Indie Author Day, Sat. 11-5 pm with panel on "Discoverability" at 1 pm. Book display and sales in the auditorium. More details HERE.
  • October 23 at noon, Member of the Day, Heliconian Club, $25. Angie talks about projects past and present.
  • October 24, Women's Art Association of Canada, Wednesday Lunch,"Tom Thomson, Archie Belaney and the Rockies" 21-23 Prince Arthur Ave., Toronto
  • October 28, York Pioneers Historical Society
  • November 19, 11 am, Featured speaker for Scarborough Federation of University Women "Tom Thomson and Women"
  • March 17, 2019 Scugog Shores Museum Village & Archives "Tom Thomson" 1-3 pm ~ 16210 Island Road, Port Perry, Ontario
    905-985-8698 |
  • Books Galore. Port Perry, book talk ~ date TBA

More dates and locations to come for: Algonquin Park, Chatham, Comber and maybe Oshawa, St. Catharines and Ottawa.
Organizations, including book clubs, interested in a free author’s talk should contact [email protected]

Advance Praise for Tom Thomson’s Fine Kettle of Friends
Tom Thomson scholar, Joan Murray, retired Algonquin Park Naturalist Ron Tozer, film maker Nancy Lang and sculptor Ruth Abernethy are four of 12 advance readers who weigh in on Littlefield’s book. The news of all 12 is positive but here is a sampling: "What a delightful book! A great idea! Thank you for doing such excellent work." Joan Murray, art historian and Tom Thomson scholar; “This engagingly-written book presents well-researched narratives that enhance our understanding of Tom Thomson through facts and possibilities concerning his life. A good example is H.B. “Harry” Jackson accompanying Tom on his first visit to Algonquin in May 1912, a trip which was the initial spark in Thomson’s intense artistic love affair with the Park.” Ron Tozer, Algonquin Park Naturalist (retired) and author of The Birds of Algonquin Park; “Utterly enjoyable reading! The people and places in Tom Thomson’s life come alive in Littlefield’s richly detailed stories. Truly fabulous.” Nancy Lang, researcher and co-producer for White Pine Pictures’ West Wind: The Vision of Tom Thomson, and .”What struck me was the amazing mobility of the Thomson family and their friends. They were peripheral, or central, to so many endeavours in our young country. Ms. Littlefield has shown us life in early Canada with a much richer palette than we might have imagined. Do join us for dinner!” Ruth Abernethy, sculptor and author of Life and Bronze

Thanks to the Relatives!

I received help with research and photo permissions from descendants connected to Tom Thomson, his friends and relatives. It was a pleasure emailing with: Jane Cauffiel, a descendant of Arthur Lismer; Sylvia Telford, a descendant of the Hayhursts of Canoe Lake and Paul Gauthier, son of Joachim Gauthier, a friend of Franklin Carmichael. They generously provided photo permissions. I visited with Paul Simon, a descendant of Tom’s female friend Elizabeth McCarnen, Jaffray Rutherford, a descendant of the Thomsons’ neighbours in Leith and David Ainslie, a descendant of the Ainslies of Comber, a family into which Tom Thomson’s nephew married. Each person told fascinating family stories that enrich the knowledge we have of Tom Thomson’s life.

Helen Young, Margaret McLaughlin, Kay Morrison and David Thomson are direct Thomson or Matheson descendants. They were incredibly supportive with either Fine Kettle of Friends, The Thomsons of Durham, or both books. Their knowledge and resources are invaluable.

Thanks to all the relatives who help inform the reading public about the fascinating life of Tom Thomson, his friends and neighbours! Thanks to them for enhancing Canada’s history.

From PineRidge Artscene:
Launch of Marangi Editions

Mary Cook, PRAC’s media guru and all-round helpful person, recently partnered with author Angie Littlefield to establish Marangi Editions. The first official book for the new imprint launches spring 2017 at the Heliconian Hall in the Yorkville area of Toronto. Look for Tom Thomson’s Fine Kettle of Friends: biography, history, art and food.

Angie and Mary have worked together before. They produced seven years of free educational material for Remembrance Day--available at all times on They created Tom Thomson’s Toronto Neighbourhoods, a free e-book on in 2010. That book is now in its second, improved edition in e-book and print formats. The print version of Tom Thomson’s Toronto Neighbourhoods is available in a bundle with the 2005 book developed for the Durham West Arts Centre: The Thomsons of Durham: Tom Thomson’s Family Heritage.

Tom Thomson’s Fine Kettle of Friends will occupy Mary and Angie for most of 2017 but there will be further projects under the new imprint. “Mary’s graphic design work is excellent and we work well together as a team,” says Littlefield. “We’ll always find projects that interest us.”

The 100th anniversary of Tom Thomson’s death in 2017 will focus a great deal of attention on Canada’s iconic artist. Ontario Tourism is supporting Cultural Tourism related to Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven in 2017. Parry Sound and Huntsville will be two Thomson ‘destinations’. Ontario Art Galleries are also preparing special Tom Thomson programs for 2017. The City of Pickering will highlight that Tom was born in Claremont.

Angie spoke at the Pickering Township Historical Society on Sept. 12, 2017.

Angelika HoerleAngelika Hoerle:
Comet of Cologne Dada


Angelika Hoerle

Angelika Hoerle gets
more of her due

Die Welt Zerschlagen: die Geshichte der Dada-Kuenstlerin Angelika Hoerle



le vendredi 3 octobre 2015
à 18h
en présence des artistes

Angelika Hoerle’s Heritage
Out Take One:

The Forebears aroused Polish-born, Luxembourg historian Marc Murzynski to investigate Angelika Hoerle’s “Fick” roots in what was at the time of her ancestors a Prussian Province. Murzynski Born in Massow, the hometown of Angelika Hoerle’s father and grandfather, plans a monograph on the former inhabitants of Pomerania who left or were displaced between 1900-1950. more

Angelika Hoerle’s Heritage
Out Take Two:

“The Developing Artists 1912-1914”
Things started to percolate for Angelika and Willy Fick in 1912. Willy began evening and Sunday courses in drawing and architectural drafting at Cologne’s Kunstgewerbe School. Angelika did all his assignments with him. more

Angelika's PromiseAngelika's Promise

Complete English script and Chapter One in German

Reading and Remembrance

Reading and Remembrance

YouTube 2010, 2011

Angelika (Angie) Littlefield: Writer, Curator, Communications Specialist

Order your
Tom Thomson holiday book set now!

book Offer

Tristan ‘Tweens release two stories

Eight young people from Tristan da Cunha, the remotest island in the world, wrote and illustrated Robert’s Worst Sheep-Shearing Day, EVER and The Wreck of the MS Oliva

Elisapee of the Artic



Elisapee of the Arctic: Mallikjuak Adventure should be in every school library in Nunavut by now continued

Northern News Services STORY

The Art of Dissent: Willy Fick

Thank you for visiting The Art of Dissent exhibit at the Lonsdale Gallery, Toronto. book SOLD OUT

Aufbruch in die Moderne: Graphik des fruehen 20. Jahrhunderts aus der Sammlung Gerd Gruber

MAF Raederscheidt and Angie Littlefield

Experiment Kalltalgemeinschaft: Die Koelner Progressiven in Simonskall 1919-1921

Having the Honourary Patronship of this extraordinary exhibition arranged by Franz Tiedtke for Hohen Art was as great as meeting my good friend MAF Raederscheidt again.

A Fine Kettle of Fish


Fine Kettle of Friends:
biography, history, art and food.

White Pine Pictures still exploring Canada`s great painters continued

Ilse Salberg

Tom Thomson's toronto Neighbours

Download e-book
"Tom Thomson's Toronto Neighbourhoods" and check out the NEW YouTube video and webpage!

Nancy, Rebecca, Peter and Angie

My continuing 15 seconds of fame in Tom Thomson film
West Wind: The Vision of Tom Thomson, a film by Michele Hozer and Peter Raymont, screened at the TIFF Bell Lightbox in 2012, followed by Q&A with the filmmakers.

West Wind

The film was also screened at the Lakefield Literary Festival July 20-23, 2012. Catch my 15 seconds as a talking head, filmed in the Leith Church and the Thomson homestead, Rose Hill. The film is lovingly shot and brilliantly executed. Research kudos go to Nancy Lang and Rebecca Middleton—sleuths par excellence. I love comparing notes with them.

Tracking down a coincidence on Breadalbane Street (see Thomson’s Toronto Neighbourhoods)

Getting Personal with Tom Thomson: Group of Seven Forerunner

Tom Thomson

The Thomsons of Durham: Tom Thomson’s Family Heritage

Check Neil Lehto's website for more Thomson material.

Thomas John Thomson
• 1877~1917

W.P.H (Willy) Fick

Willy on Wikipedia
Thanks to the Wikipedia expertise of author Zoë S. Roy (Calls Across the Pacific, Inanna 2015; The Long March Home, Inanna, 2011 and Butterfly Tears, Inanna 2009) my great-uncle Willy Fick has a fantastic-looking Wikipedia entry. Check out Read about Fick’s past in Cologne, Germany where he was a dada artist and also read about “A Dadaist in Whitby”. ... more

Lavack is Back in print that is

2012 Travel

Tristan da Cunha is a remote volcanic island in the middle of the SOUTH ATLANTIC ocean. The images show its rural splendour … more PHOTOS

The images of South Africa show Cape Town to be … more
PHOTOS: Botswana,
South Africa, Zimbabwe

Morrisseau stampFinding a better way … for Norval’s sake
I am loath to write anything about great Canadian artist Norval Morrisseau. more

Where you can see work by Norval Morrisseau
Riverbrink Art Museum, Queenston, ON,
Crawford Fine Arts, Millbrook, ON



Angie Littlefield
416.282.0646 | [email protected]