Tom Thomson's Fine Kettle of Friends by Angie Littlefield, book cover

TOM THOMSON'S Fine Kettle of Friends: biography, history, art and food

By Angie Littlefield
ISBN 978-0-9958318-0-3 PUBLISHER Marangi Editions

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  • Algonquin Park Visitor Centre
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    Riverbrink Museum
    McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Kleinburg

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Trade discount available for re-sellers. Download pdf HERE

The Thomsons of Durham, book cover

The Thomsons of Durham
by Angie Littlefield
ISBN 0-9737996-0-9


001 The Thomsons of Durham, $12 + $15 shipping

Libraries, bookstores, government and businesses, send PURCHASE ORDER, PRICE QUOTE or REQUISITION to Marangi Editions/Angie Littlefield, 72 Baronial Court, Toronto, ON, M1C 3J7. Canada Postage or Fedex costs determined by weight. Please indicate: Canada Post or Fedex.
Download pdf HERE

Elise Salberg - Weimar Photographer

Ilse Salberg ~ Weimar Photographer

Download free e-book here (pdf version - large file, be patient)

YouTube Intro
YouTube Foreward to Ilse Salberg

MOBI | ePub | MOBI2

Life and Bronze A Sculptor's Journal, by Ruth Abernethy

Life and Bronze A Sculptor's Journal, by Ruth Abernethy

A celebration of Canadian culture and talent

Part memoir, part 'secrets of the sculptor's craft', part celebration of Canadian culture and talent, Life and Bronze: A Sculptor's Journal is the story behind Ruth Abernethy's rich and varied artistic career. The author describes each of her sculpting projects, from opening discussion, to creation, to installation and public unveiling. This coffee table book shows what the public chooses to commemorate, how a sculptor resolves clear expressions of character, and how this process fits into a full family life.

For ordering information, contact 604.688.0320 or email [email protected]

Elisapee of the Arctic

A new heroine is born, Elisapee of the Arctic!

This charming tale of identity, created by Inuit youth Arn Pootoogook, Joanne Weedmark and Stephanie Weedmark of Cape Dorset with Angie Littlefield of Toronto, blends the present and the past and brings a beautiful part of the world to all audiences.

Download free e-book here. (large file, be patient)


Robert’s Worst Sheep-Shearing Day, EVER

Tristan ‘Tweens release two stories

Eight young people from Tristan da Cunha, the remotest island in the world, wrote and illustrated Robert’s Worst Sheep-Shearing Day, EVER and The Wreck of the MS Oliva

Download free pdf copy, just click on book cover.

The Wreck of the MS Oliva

Tristan ‘Tweens release two stories

Eight young people from Tristan da Cunha, the remotest island in the world, wrote and illustrated Robert’s Worst Sheep-Shearing Day, EVER and The Wreck of the MS Oliva

Download free pdf copy, just click on book cover.

Tom Thomson's Toronto Neighbourhoods

Tom Thomson's Toronto Neighbourhoods

"Revised 2nd Edition now in print"

Tom Thomson (1877–1917) created some of Canada’s most recognizable art from sketches made in Algonquin Park 1912–1917. His association with Ontario’s north is well known. Tom Thomson’s 12 years in Toronto are less known.

Click on the e-book cover to read more! KINDLE Version

Angelika Hoerle, Commet of Cologne Dada

Hoerle, Comet of Cologne Dada

Art Gallery of Ontario, 2009 and at Museum Ludwig Cologne, 2009/2010


The Comet of Cologne Dada. Catalogue ed. by Catherine de Zegher. Toronto/Cologne 2009/10. Beitr. von Angelika Littlefield, Dorothy Rowe & Sabine T. Kriebel. 128 S. mit 154 meist farb. Abb., Ausst'verz., Bibliographie, Chronologie, brosch.

Bestell-Nr: 1433144

EUR 24,00  in den Warenkorb

Nur wenige Arbeiten der schon mit 23 Jahren verstorbenen Malerin und Frau des Kölner Dadaisten und Mitglied der Kölner Progressiven Heinrich Hoerle sind überliefert. Selbst Max Ernst hat ihre phantastischen Konfigurationen geschätzt. Seit fast 60 Jahren ist siedie geheimnisvolle Unbekannte. Die Autoren haben nun mit Hilfe des Museum Ludwig Köln sämtliche Fakten zusammengetragen und die Arbeiten kunsthistorisch würdigen können.

Angelika Hoerle (1899-1923) and her artist husband Heinrich Hoerle were key figures in the Dada movement in Cologne, and she created an outstanding body of work - now almost entirely housed at the AGO - from 1919 until her untimely death in 1923. The catalogue will explore how her art fit into the artistic and political movements inWeimar, Germany.
26.9.2009 - 17.1.2010

Angelika Die Welt Zerschlagen

Die Welt Zerschlagen: die Geschichte der Dada-Kuenstlerin Angelika Hoerle
by Ute Bales

The Art of Dissent: Willy Fick

NEW ~ The Art of Dissent: Willy Fick
by Angelika Littlefield and Carson Phillips


Published by the Holocaust Centre of Toronto | UJA Federation

Two of the Talented Thomsons

Two of the Talented Thomsons
by Angie Littlefield


The Dada Period in Cologne

The Dada Period in Cologne
by Angie Littlefield


Willy Fick

Willy Fick
by W. Herzogenrath and D. Teuber, translator and assistant Angie Littlefield


Algonquin Elegy

Algonquin Elegy by Neil Lehto

His website has more links to explore and some interesting essays.

Gerd Gruber's Aufbruch in die Moderne

Dr. Gerd Gruber's Aufbruch in die Moderne, 17.90 Euro + postage.
Cranach Stiftung
Markt 4
D- 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Telefon: +49 (0) 34 91 / 4 20 19 11
Telefax: +49 (0) 34 91 / 4 20 19 19
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160 Blätter zeigen den Aufbruch in die Moderne

Sefer Nifloat/Book of Miracles ~ ePUB | MOBI




Angie Littlefield | 416.282.0646 | [email protected]