Angelika (Fick) Hoerle • 1899 ~ 1923
Angelika Hoerle died of tuberculosis Sept 9, 1923. She was buried just a little before her Nov 20th birthday in Cologne's West Cemetery. Only a very few people were at her burial. Her friend the young artist Gottfried Brockman wrote, "I first heard of Angelika's death from the art dealer Kleinertz who attended the funeral. Only three or four people were there and her husband Hoerle wasn't one of them. After she was delivered to the hospital, he remained continuously drunk. He didn't want to see her anymore."
In Europe graves have to be maintained or they are re-used. Although the top photo shows the exact plot where Angelika Fick Hoerle was interred, the gravestone behind the branch is that of a more recent "visitor". In the second photo, I am standing where Angelika's head would have been when she was laid to rest. Like her, I am looking towards the pathway where visitors might come.
Many years later, MAF Raederscheidt, visited this spot not knowing that her grandmother's best friend was burried at this site. She created two works— one of which is reproduced. Is it irony or fate that drew her to this exact spot in Cologne's West Cemetery?
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